Promoting improvement of the environment surrounding pediatric cancer
Childhood cancer is a general term for various cancers that affect children. Cancer is generally seen in people under the age of 15. In Japan, it is a rare disease with an annual incidence of 2,000 to 2,500 people and an incidence rate of 1 to 1.5 per 10,000 people under the age of 15. is. 6,000 people receive inpatient treatment each year.
The situation of children with cancer is very different from that of adults with cancer in terms of treatment environment and social life. Specifically, there are few drugs that can be used for pediatric cancer, and treatment options are limited compared to Europe and the United States. In addition, issues such as educational security for children undergoing medical treatment have been pointed out.
以上を鑑み、小児がんを取り巻く環境の改善を図り、日本における国際標準の薬剤開発体制の構築促進、教育環境改善等を図り、もって患者、および社会全体の福祉へ寄与することを図るために、『小児がん対策国民会議』を設立し、その事務局を設置いたします。つきましては、本活動に 対するご理解、ご支援を賜りますこと、心より願っております。
共同代表 井上富美子
共同代表 足立壯一
副代表 米田光宏
July 1, 2021 National Council for Pediatric Cancer Control Launched
Press release on October 15, 2021 “National Council on Pediatric Cancer Control” is in full operation
July 5, 2022 Submission of a request to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Education WG, National Council on Childhood Cancer Control